Dutch Invertuals is a collective of individual designers who are always in search of the limits of their profession. They present new pieces that reflect their contemporary views in images, objects, materials, insights and stories.
Imagination is the force that lingers between logic and inspiration. It acts as a guide in our daily dilemmas and helps us to understand and cope with the world we are living in. It is this energy that thrives us to push forward. It helps us to let go of the old and make way for the new.
It’s a mechanism that sparks new connections between the known but beyond the obvious.
This is where transformation happens. New formats and perspectives form along the way as we are being pushed into the future by the power of imagination.
By conducting research and experiments the Invertuals have transposed the theme of transform onto contemporary designs. Chemical reactions, rotation-moulded experiments, unfinished constructions, colour science and woven techniques are transformed by imagination.
As a designer and initiator of Dutch Invertuals, Wendy Plomp tells the story of a design collective: born from the idea that a mix of strong individuals can create a wonderful unexpected world in which the different disciplines reflect the multi-faced nature of design.
Participants: Brit van Nerven, Edhv, Jeroen Wand, Jetske Visser,
Kirstie van Noort & Rogier Arents, Luuk van den Broek, Max Lipsey, Raw Color,
Roos Gomperts & Thalia de Jong, Rachel Griffin & Emilie Pallard, Studio Mieke Meijer.
The exhibition design is done by Daphna Laurens.