The unique character of the TextielMuseum is the combination with its production and development facility the TextielLab. Next to hosting exhibitions about textile and design at the Museum, the Lab produces and develops textile projects with contemporary designers and artists.
In the identity the focus is on visualizing the combination of these two characters of the institution. In the logo the Museum is always on the left side of the icon as the main part of the organisation and the Lab is on the right side. Depending on the focus one of the two will be highlighted with a more intense opacity than the other one.
The basic icon of the institute represents the T, M and L that are overlapping. By multiplying the letters different opacities and colour combinations are created. In the icon the weight can shift as well to either TM or TL representing TextielMuseum or TextielLab.
Departing from the icon it serves as the basic element to construct a big variety of patterns. The dynamic character of this system allows to implement the pattern on several parts of the identity like stationary, packaging, website etc. Making a visual link to textile patterns it permanently communicates the logo and iconography of the Museum and Lab in a subtle way.
The specific pattern language will also be applied to many textile based elements such as tea towels, scarves… that will be produced in the TextielLab.
The colour palette is based on 5 hues that are used in a variety of intensities. By mixing and multiplying several layers new colours appear.
The identity is still in progress.
Flags to display outside of the Museum
Several entrance cards
First try outs for the tea towel production